Find out some of the most commonly asked questions about physiotherapy and chiropractic care.

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Most Asked Questions

We have answered some of the most frequently asked questions online to offer you more detailed information. We invite you to contact or email us for help if you cannot find the answers to any of your queries on this page.

Yes, you can. The College of Physiotherapy of Ontario gives a licenced PT the right to assess and treat patients without a doctor’s referral. Keep in mind, though, that some insurance companies insist on a referral from a doctor. So ensure that you check to see if you will be reimbursed through your insurance plan, especially if you have an extended plan.

No. You can book an appointment with our skilled and experienced chiropodists at any time to ensure you always have happy feet.

A detailed physiotherapy assessment usually takes roughly 45 minutes to an hour or more. Your follow-up visits will vary in length depending on the severity of your condition. The duration of a typical session could be around 35 to 45 minutes.

The Rehab Nest will always start with a thorough evaluation that takes into consideration your present symptoms, any stress from work that may be exacerbating your condition, your physical and medical history, and any previous illnesses or injuries you may have had. After that, we carry out several tests to diagnose you correctly. Then, our talented staff will design a programme specifically for your needs.

Yes, in most cases, insurance companies cover the cost of your physical therapy sessions. You are, however, encouraged to check the specifications of your particular plan for details of the same.

Each client’s demands are examined while designing a session for them. Therefore, it is challenging to give precise information on the type of treatment that will be given. To guarantee that you are pain-free and able to accomplish all of your goals, we employ a variety of therapies, including exercises, joint and tissue mobilization, kinesiotaping, cupping, dry needling, acupuncture, and more.

  • Your partner’s extended benefits card, whom we can direct bill
  • Your referral from a physician, if you have one
  • Any tests done, such as x-ray, MRI, CT Scan, etc
  • If you are 18 or under, bring your parent or guardian
  • Proper shoes and comfortable clothing are needed.

It is always a difficult question to answer. We aim to minimize visits while maximizing results at the end of each session. The number of sessions you will require will depend upon the severity of your condition and a host of other factors, like lifestyle, pre-existing medical conditions, etc.

the rehab nest - rated #1 physiotherapy clinic in scarborough

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