Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Billing

MVA stands for Motor Vehicle Accident. It refers to accidents involving motor vehicles, such as cars, trucks, or motorcycles. Motor Vehicle Accident Rehabilitation encompasses the various services aimed at treating injuries resulting from these accidents.

What is MVA?

Car accidents can lead to a wide range of injuries affecting different parts of the body:

Comprehensive Rehabilitation: After a motor vehicle accident, Rehab Nest offers a patient-centered rehabilitation program. This program involves a team of professionals, including physiotherapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors.

Addressing Psychological Complications: In addition to physical injuries, they also address psychological complications that can arise, such as sleep disturbances, anxiety, or a fear of driving. Psychotherapists may be involved in treating these issues.

Expertise in MVA Injuries: The team is experienced in treating injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents, including conditions like whiplash, strains, sprains, and recovery from broken bones. Their goal is to assist patients in their recovery and return to their normal lives.

How do MVA claims work?

The process of MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) claims can seem complex, but our team is here to guide you through it. Here’s how it generally works:

Report the Accident: Immediately after an accident, inform your car insurance provider about the incident and any injuries you have suffered. Regardless of fault, your insurance provider is responsible for making health and rehabilitation services available to you. If you were a passenger in another person’s vehicle or were involved in the accident while outside a vehicle, contact your auto insurance provider (if you have one). Your adjuster will help determine which insurance will cover your claim.

Initiate the Claim: Once you’ve started an MVA injury claim with the relevant insurance provider, our team can take over the rest of the process.

Provide Necessary Information: When you book an initial assessment with us, we will collect essential information to fill out and submit an MVA rehabilitation insurance claim on your behalf. This information typically includes:

  1. The claim number associated with the accident
  2. Your insurance policy number and policyholder details
  3. The accident date
  4. Information about any private or extended health insurance coverage (Note: Extended health insurance coverage must be used before auto insurance coverage)
  5. Lawyer’s contact information (if applicable)
  6. Details of the insurance adjuster handling your case

Assessment and Treatment Plan: During your initial assessment, our therapists will evaluate your accident-related injuries, the nature of your symptoms, affected activities, and any necessary medical diagnoses or physical tests, and create a personalized treatment and rehabilitation plan. This plan may include pain management, massages, exercises to expedite healing, and steps for a gradual return to work and sports to maximize your recovery.

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